These lists are subject to change based on funding and the needs of each program.
The project includes replacement and rehabilitation of the Coal Creek Trunk pipeline. Work includes trenchless, microtunnelling and open cut methods, pipe relining, stream bank restoration, parking lot restoration, construction of access roadway, trail improvements, decommissioning of existing sewer pipe and maintenance holes, environmental mitigation, and wetland restoration. Below is the link to Volume 5 (Permits and Easements) files as part of the posted the bid documents.
Complete Solicitation Documents, including project details, specifications, and contact information are available on the Procurement and Payables web page at:
Project Reference 9 Documents Only
The objective of this project is to increase the firm capacity of the raw sewage pump (RSP) station from 330 million gallons per day (MGD) to 440 MGD at West Point Treatment Plant in Seattle by replacing the existing biogas driven engine pumps with higher capacity electric motor driven pumps. The project will also make seismic upgrades to the pump station and make improvements to meet National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 820) standards. In addition, the project will also replace the existing boiler system prior to completion of the RSP replacement to provide heat necessary to maintain a stable treatment process. This contract will also replace or refurbish failing grit classifiers, cyclones, and grit hopper gates and implement modifications to associated structural, mechanical, electrical, and process equipment related to the grit classifier, piping, and equipment. The grit classifier equipment removes heavy inorganic materials, such as sand, gravel, and minerals from the wastewater flow during preliminary treatment.
Below are the Reference Item No. 9 video links, as noted in Section 01 13 00 of the Invitation to Bid. Remainder of the bid documents can be found on the Procurement and Payables page.
Complete Solicitation Documents, including project details, specifications, and contact information are available on the Procurement and Payables web page at:
The work includes remediation of contaminated sediment (with elevated concentrations of contaminants of concern [COCs]) within the Lower Duwamish Waterway (LDW) upper reach as part of the LDW Superfund Site cleanup remedy of the upper reach. Upper reach of the LDW Superfund Site in King County, Washington, is defined as that part of the waterway from Duwamish Waterway Park at river mile (RM) 3.0 to the South 102nd Street bridge at RM 5.0. Below are the reference documents as noted in Section 01 13 00 of the Invitation to Bid:
Complete Solicitation Documents, including project details, specifications, and contact information are available on the Procurement and Payables web page at:
Project Reference Documents (3. “Planning Analysis for West Point Digestion Capacity, Recommended Option for Project Delivery, December 2023” Reference File Only)
The purpose of this contract is to provide multidisciplinary engineering and related services to King County Natural Resources and Parks, Wastewater Treatment Division (“County”) for the West Point Facility Program (“Program”). Below are the reference documents as noted in Attachment 1 - Scope of Work, “Reference Documents Available to Proposers” Section, Item No. 3, Planning Analysis for West Point Digestion Capacity, Recommended Option for Project Delivery, December 2023:
Complete Solicitation Documents, including project details, specifications, and contact information are available on the Procurement and Payables web page at:
RFI Due Date: November 9, 2023 at 1:30pm
The official advertisement (RFI KC001010) for this project will be published through King County’s E-Procurement system. To receive future notifications, please be sure your firm is registered in King County’s E-Procurement Supplier Portal. For registration information, please visit:
Questions about the RFI? Contact Melissa Jordan, Contract Specialist (; 206-263-4005)
Virtual Open House
When: October 18, 2023 at 9:00am (PDT)
Where: Online via MS Teams
PURPOSE: King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) held an Open House on 10/18/23 requesting industry comments on its upcoming West Point Treatment Plant Raw Sewage Pumps (RSP) and Grit Classifier Replacement project, located in Seattle, WA. King County anticipates utilizing the standard Design-Bid-Build (DBB) delivery method.
King County is providing prospective Proposers an opportunity to provide feedback, particularly on the items within the formal Request for Information (RFI) questionnaire.
Questions about the Project details? Contact Mizan Rahman, Capital Project Manager (, 206-477-5233), OR Diane Navarro (, 206-477-6985) to request a 1:1 Meeting to learn more about the project.
PROJECT LOCATION: West Point Treatment Plant; 1400 Discovery Park Blvd, Seattle, WA 98199
PROJECT BACKGROUND: RSP Replacement project is scheduled to be constructed within 6 years, starting mid 2024. Key components of the project include replacing 4 engine driven pumps with 4 -900 HP electrical and associated VFDs; replace 3 hot water boilers with 4 2X100 & 2X400 HP boilers; replace current 10-on bridge to 20-ton, seismic upgrade of concrete walls/beams, columns, and girders; modifying main plant switchgear to the two feeder breakers for the new 13.8 KV; new 480V UPS and batteries; replace existing exterior wall panels with new GFRC; Removal and mitigation of contaminants such as lead-based paint, PBC, and asbestos; and reconfiguration of the existing HVAC.
Grit Classifier Replacement project is scheduled to be constructed within 6 years, starting mid 2024. Key components of the project include replace the existing four (4) aging grit classifiers, twelve (12) cyclones and replace two (2) hydraulically actuated grit hopper gates with electrically actuated gates. Implement general modifications to associated structural, mechanical, electrical, and process piping related to the grit classifier.
The County intends to award this scope under one (1) contract and the Grit Classifier project will occur concurrently beginning in 2024.
CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE: Overall contract award is estimated to be $125 million for both projects combined.
TARGET SCHEDULE: Invitation to Bid (ITB) Publication: Approx. February/March 2024, Contract Execution: May 2024, NTP: June/July 2024
EQUITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE GOALS: KC will establish a minimum required level for the participation of small and diverse businesses for this contract. The goals will be expressed as a percentage of the total contract value to be performed by OMWBE certified firms. To ensure success at meeting the diverse small business goals and to promote support and mentoring of small businesses, KC will also require the submission of an Equity and Social Justice (ESJ) Innovation Plan.
POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES: King County Utility Funds, Washington State Revolving Fund, Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA)
RFI Due Date: October 5, 2023 at 5:00pm
The official advertisement (RFI KC000986) for this project will be published through King County’s E-Procurement system. To receive future notifications, please be sure your firm is registered in King County’s E-Procurement Supplier Portal. For registration information, please visit:
Questions about the RFI? Contact Megan Saunders, Contract Specialist (; 206-263-6813)
When: September 14, 2023 at 10:00am (PDT)
Where: Online via MS Teams
PURPOSE: King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) held an Open House on 9/14/23 requesting industry comments on its upcoming GC/CM Services for Elliott West Wet Weather Treatment Station, located in Seattle, WA. King County anticipates utilizing the General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) delivery method, pending CPARB Project Review Committee approval.
King County is providing prospective Proposers an opportunity to provide feedback, particularly on the items within the formal Request for Information (RFI) questionnaire. Responses to the RFI will assist in formulation of the PRC application.
Questions about the Project details? Contact Rowena Johnson, Capital Project Manager (, 206-477-5851), OR Diane Navarro (, 206-477-6985)
PROJECT LOCATION: Elliott West Wet Weather Treatment Station, 545 Elliott Ave W., Seattle, WA, 98119
PROJECT BACKGROUND: King County WTD desires to upgrade the screens, treatment, and disinfection through the GC/CM delivery method of this 240 MGD peak flow facility.
TARGET SCHEDULE: A RFI will be published in conjunction with this meeting on September 14, 2023, GC/CM RFP Publication: Q1 2024, GC/CM Contract Execution: Q2/Q3 2024
EQUITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE GOALS: KC will establish a minimum required level for the participation of small and diverse businesses for this contract. The goals will be expressed as a percentage of the total contract value to be performed by OMWBE certified firms. To ensure success at meeting the diverse small business goals and to promote support and mentoring of small businesses, KC will also require the submission of an Equity and Social Justice (ESJ) Innovation Plan.
POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES: King County Utility Funds, Washington State Revolving Fund, Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA)
King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) will be hosting opportunities for contractors and consultants to meet individually with WTD staff to discuss specific projects of interest. Below is a registration form to provide WTD with your firm’s date(s) of availability and project(s) of interest. We look forward to meeting your team!
When: October 9, 2024 – October 16, 2024
Where: Virtual meetings
September 4, 2024, at 1:00 PM (PDT)
Duration: Approx. 60 minutes
King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is hosting a virtual Informational Open House for interested firms to hear information about some of our upcoming projects and events. Projects highlighted will be those using the Alternative Public Works (GC/CM and PDB) process, as well as share opportunities on traditional DBB projects, Work Order contracts, and upcoming consulting contracts. To encourage early teaming arrangements, we hope interested firms attend.
A brief description of the projects WTD will be discussing at this Open House are:
South Interceptor Rehabilitation (PDB): This project will rehabilitate 1,623 linear feet of the South Interceptor and associated structures, located in the City of Renton. Rehabilitation of 445 linear feet (LF) of 72-inch and 1,185 LF of 90-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe, rehabilitation of up to (7) maintenance holes, modifications to the junction structure at the South Interceptor and Eastside Interceptor (located at South Treatment Plant), which may be necessary to isolate flows during rehabilitation, and the design, installation and operation of sewer diversion pumping system (including all traffic control and restoration activities). Estimated contract cost is $36M.
Black Diamond Trunk Capacity Upgrade (GC/CM): This project will add conveyance capacity to accommodate population growth over time in a manner that meets King County’s commitments to provide conveyance services to the City of Black Diamond. The scope includes upsizing approximately 6 miles of 10-inch to 16-inch sewer pipe and associated appurtenances. This project is anticipated to be implemented using the General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) collaborative delivery approach. Total estimated contract cost is $75M.
Sammamish Plateau Diversion (GC/CM): This project will address regional conveyance system capacity needs by diverting flows out of the South Lake Sammamish Planning Area north. Diverting flows northward will alleviate capacity needs at several King County conveyance facilities. Estimated contract cost is $52.4M.
Mouth of Duwamish Combined Sewer Overflow (MDCSO) Wet Weather Facilities: The County's Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) will programmatically deliver essential infrastructure to control wet weather sewer overflows in the Duwamish River. Driven by a consent decree with a 2034 deadline, the program scope involves building sewer diversion structures, influent and effluent conveyance, a new outfall, storage tank, system integration and SCADA, and treatment facilities that include an equalization basin, screens/compactor, pump station, solids removal, disinfection, solids storage, and odor control. With an emphasis on minimizing risks and avoiding delays, the project requires high engagement with interested parties and a coordinated management of multiple projects to deliver required benefits. The program is presently conducting an Alternatives Evaluation to identify the Best Apparent System Alternative (BASA). At this online open house, the County will provide an overview of work occurring to prepare for contracting delivery of MDCSO facilities including determining type of delivery and packaging of program elements.
King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) will be hosting opportunities for contractors and consultants to meet individually with WTD staff to discuss specific projects of interest. Below is a registration form to provide WTD with your firm’s date(s) of availability and project(s) of interest. We look forward to meeting your team!
When: August 6, 2024 – August 7, 2024
Where: Virtual meetings
King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) will be hosting opportunities for contractors and consultants to meet individually with WTD staff to discuss specific projects of interest. Below is a registration form to provide WTD with your firm’s date(s) of availability and project(s) of interest. We look forward to meeting your team!
When: May 14, 2024 – May 28, 2024
Where: Virtual meetings
When: April 15, 2024, 9:00am – 3:00pm
Where: Banquet Hall at Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatic Center - 650 Southwest Campus Drive Federal Way, WA 98023
About this Event
King County is hosting a contractor networking and open house event to provide networking opportunities for small, minority and women owned firms and prime contractors/consultants, as well as informational presentations on upcoming contracts from many King County agencies. This networking event is intended for potential prime contractors and consultants and major firms to meet with small, diverse businesses to explore teaming opportunities for upcoming procurements.
We hope that you'll take advantage of this unique opportunity to get to connect with other firms and also learn about upcoming King County contract opportunities at this event.
King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) will be hosting opportunities for contractors and consultants to meet individually with WTD staff to discuss specific projects of interest. Below is a registration form to provide WTD with your firm’s date(s) of availability and project(s) of interest. We look forward to meeting your team!
When: March 19, 2024 – March 26, 2024
Where: Virtual meetings
March 6, 2024 at 9:00 AM (PST)
Duration: Approx. 60 minutes
King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is hosting a virtual Informational Open House for interested firms to hear information about some of our upcoming larger projects and events. Projects include projects using the standard Design-Bid-Build (DBB) process and upcoming consulting contracts. To encourage early teaming arrangements, we hope interested firms attend.
A brief description of the projects and events WTD will be discussing at this Open House are:
In-Person Networking Event + Open House: You won’t want to miss this in-person event! King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) will be hosting a networking opportunity for prime contractors and consultants and small, women and/or minority owned firms to connect on upcoming projects. Additionally, WTD along with other King County agencies such as SWD, Metro, Parks and others will be there to discuss our upcoming projects. Event will be held on April 15 with more details to follow.
Program Manager/Owner Advisor Services for Brightwater Treatment Plant: King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is in the process of establishing capital delivery programs at several of our facilities. As part of this effort, WTD will be seeking a Program Manager/Owner Advisor consultant to support for our Brightwater program. The selected consultant will provide program management development and implementation services for the projects planned at this facility over the next six years in capital improvements program (6-year CIP). In addition, the selected consultant could be asked to provide owner advisory services for any projects selected for collaborative delivery in the 6-year CIP at this facility.
Program Engineering Services (multiple contracts): King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is in the process of establishing capital delivery programs at several of our facilities. As part of this effort, WTD will be seeking Program Engineering consultants to support our South plant, Brightwater, and Off-site programs. The selected consultant(s) will provide wide variety of engineering services to support the delivery of projects planned at these facilities in the 2023-2029 capital improvements program (6-year CIP).
Coal Creek Siphon and Trunk Parallel: Located in the City of Bellevue, project will upgrade 7,100 lineal feet of 15–21-inch sewer pipe, to meet WTD 2060 20-year peak flow criteria. The project will construct a new alignment utilizing both trenchless and open cut methods, including replacement of lateral connections. The work occurs within the Coal Creek Natural area in sensitive areas including wetlands, wetland buffers and limited in-water work. The project is near Coal Creek Parkway SE, a major arterial, and the associated natural areas between the intersection with I-405, and just south of the Upper Coal Creek West Trailhead.
South Treatment Plant Dissolved Air Flotation Tanks (DAFT) Rehabilitation: The County’s Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) will rehabilitate/replace DAFT 1 - 6 process equipment and covers at the STP. The DAFTs co-thicken primary sludge and waste activated sludge. Work includes: performing demolition and replacement of the DAFT tanks metal components with new 316 SS (Vendor package will include Bridge beams, center column, with internal, motor, two rake, and eight skimmer arms, two float boxes (Trough and ramps), and effluent Launder pipe); conversion of rail track to cantilever collection arms (DAFTs 1-4); new flat aluminum covers (beam-supported); Ventilation System Upgrades; access improvements to improve safety and maintenance (Related to entry and maintenance of the DAFTs); and pilot testing a sludge blanket level monitoring. The construction cost is estimated to be $43 million.
WTD Work Order Program: King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) has multiple Work Order contracts we intend to solicit for bids in the coming months for: construction; architectural, engineering and professional services (AEP); and consulting/technical services contracts. Work Order contracts shall range from $500K to $3M depending on the contract type.
King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) will be hosting opportunities for contractors and consultants to meet individually with WTD staff to discuss specific projects of interest. Below is a registration form to provide WTD with your firm’s date(s) of availability and project(s) of interest. We look forward to meeting your team!
When: December 19, 2023 – January 11, 2024
Where: Virtual meetings
December 7, 2023 at 9:00 AM (PST)
Duration: Approx. 60 minutes
King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is hosting a virtual Informational Open House for interested firms to hear information about some of our upcoming larger projects. Projects include: General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) collaborative delivery projects, projects using the standard Design-Bid-Build (DBB) process, and upcoming consulting contracts. To encourage early teaming arrangements, we hope interested firms attend.
A brief description of the projects WTD will be discussing at this Open House are:
Market Outreach Survey: King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) will be conducting a short market outreach survey to solicit feedback from contractors and consultants on their experience seeking contracting opportunities and doing business with King County WTD. The purpose of this survey is to help identify any roadblocks or challenges firms may face, and determine potential areas of improvement in our contracting and project management processes.
Program Engineering Services (multiple contracts): King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is in the process of establishing capital delivery programs at several of our facilities. As part of this effort, WTD will be seeking Program Engineering consultants to support our South plant, Brightwater, and Off-site programs. The selected consultant(s) will provide wide variety of engineering services to support the delivery of projects planned at these facilities in the 2023-2029 capital improvements program (6-year CIP).
On-Call Construction Management Services: King County Wastewater Treatment Division has need for a Construction Management (CM) services Work Order. The master agreement will have NTE amount of $25M and will support WTD projects over $10M; which require CM Services per King County Policy. This agreement will be written for one year, with the option to renew up to 5 years. Services may include but are not limited to: Project Management, Inspection, project and cost controls, scheduling, project documentation and other related services.
Lower Duwamish Waterway Upper Reach Construction Cleanup: King County WTD is conducting a cleanup of contaminated sediments in the upper reach of the Lower Duwamish Waterway (LDW) Superfund Site. This reach is the upper 2 miles of the LDW site. The selected contractor will perform sediment cleanup through dredging, transloading and upland disposal of dredged material, capping, and placement of clean materials during three consecutive in-water work seasons. The work is being conducted under US Environmental Protection Agency oversight. The construction cost is estimated to be $36 million.
South Interceptor: King County WTD plans to utilize the collaborative delivery method Progressive Design-Build to deliver the South Interceptor project which includes the rehabilitation of 445 linear feet of 72-inch and 1,185 linear feet of 90-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe, rehabilitation of up to 7 maintenance holes, modifications to junction structure at South Interceptor and Eastside Interceptor, and design, installation and operation of sewer diversion pumping system. The contract cost is estimated to be $34.3 million.
We will also be providing brief updates on the following upcoming projects:
*A project-specific Open House was held to provide additional project details. Meeting recordings and presentations can be found in the Request for Information section above.
PURPOSE: King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is holding an Open House and requesting industry comments on its upcoming West Point Treatment Plant Raw Sewage Pumps (RSP) and Grit Classifier Replacement project, located in Seattle, WA. King County is utilizing the standard design-bid-build (DBB) delivery method for this project.
Questions? Contact Mizanur Rahman, Capital Project Manager (; (206) 477-5233), OR Diane Navarro (; (206) 477-6985)
Date: October 18, 2023
Time: 9:00am (PDT)
Duration: 2 hours
For more information, refer to West Point Treatment Plant Raw Sewage Pumps (RSP) and Grit Classifier Replacement Project under Request for Information above.
King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) will be hosting opportunities for contractors and consultants to meet individually with WTD staff to discuss the GC/CM Services for the Elliott West WWTS project. Below is a registration form to provide WTD with your firm’s meeting type interest. We look forward to meeting your team!
When: October 2-31, 2023
Where: Virtual for 1:1 meetings, In-Person for Site Tours
King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is hosting a virtual Informational Open House for interested firms to hear information about upcoming contracting opportunities for program manager/owner advisor (PMOA) services. To encourage early teaming arrangements, we hope interested firms attend.
Background: WTD is in the process of establishing capital delivery programs at several of our facilities. As part of this effort, WTD will be seeking Program Manager/Owner Advisor consultant support for our South plant, Brightwater, and Off-site programs. The selected consultant(s) will provide program management development and implementation services for the projects planned at this facility over the next six years in capital improvements program (6-year CIP). In addition, the selected consultant(s) could be asked to provide owner advisory services for any projects selected for collaborative delivery in the 6-year CIP at this facility.
6-year CIPs (Drafts as of 11/11/2022):
When: September 21, 2023 at 2:00pm (PDT)
Where: VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE (via Teams)
King County Wastewater Treatment Division will be represented at the Regional Contracting Forum in Auburn, WA. Come visit us!
When: September 20, 2023, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM PDT
Where: Muckleshoot Casino Resort - 2402 Auburn Way South, Auburn, WA 98002
About this Event
The Regional Contracting Forum is a network event hosted by Washington government associations to meet with businesses. This “reverse trade show” style-networking event is an opportunity for companies to meet with prime contractors and government organizations to ask questions and get information on how to do business with government.
Regional Contracting Forum attendees will have the opportunity to:
King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) will be hosting opportunities for contractors and consultants to meet individually with WTD staff to discuss specific projects of interest. Below is a registration form to provide WTD with your firm’s date(s) of availability and project(s) of interest. We look forward to meeting your team!
When: September 18-29, 2023
Where: Virtual meetings
When: September 14, 2023 at 10:00am (PDT)
Where: Online via MS Teams
For more information, view GC/CM Services for Elliott West Wet Weather Treatment Station under Request for Information above.
Contractor Networking Event for Primes and small WMBE businesses
When: August 9, 2023
Where: TABOR 100 - 7100 Fort Dent Way, Suite 100 Tukwila, WA 98188
About this Event
King County is partnering with Tabor 100 to offer a Prime/Subconsultant networking opportunity for small and diverse businesses. The Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) is expected to have several upcoming contracts in services that include construction, design, collaborative delivery and consulting services that will include teaming opportunities and equity goals.
This networking event is intended for potential prime contractors and consultants and major firms to meet with small, diverse businesses to explore teaming opportunities for the upcoming procurements for WTD.
We hope that you'll take advantage of this unique opportunity to get to know major firms who do work with King County at this event.
If you haven't done so, sign up in in E-procurement to receive contracting opportunities for King County that are specific to your industry code (NAICS code).
The procurement and contract services section (PCSS) website is designed to assist users who do business with King County. The web site provides procurement and contract information for: