Pilates Power Gym Pro PUSH -UP BAR Exercise & Instruction Manual

are not followed. Carefully review all warnings before using the equipment.

1. Before starting this or any other exercise program, consult your physician. Your physician

assist you in determining the target heart rate zone appropriate for your age and

physical condition. Certain exercise programs or types of equipment may not be appropriate

for all people. This is especially important for people over the age of 35, pregnant women, or

those with pre-existing health problems or balance impairments. If you are taking med i ca tion

which may affect your heart rate, a physician's advice is ab so lute ly essential.

2. Start out slowly and progress sensibly. Even if you are an experienced exerciser, start with

the beginner workout and become familiar with all of the exercises before moving on to more

advanced workouts or exercises. For best results, perform all of the exercises at the tempo

demonstrated in the DVD.

3. Do not overexert yourself with this or any other exercise program. Listen to your body and

respond to any reactions you may be having. You must learn to distinguish "good" pain, like

fatigue, from "bad" pain, which hurts. If you experience any pain or tightness in your chest,

an irregular heartbeat, dizziness, nausea, or shortness of breath, stop exercising at once and

consult your physician immediately.

4. Warm up before any exercise program by doing 5 to 10 minutes of gentle aerobic exercise, such

as walking, followed by stretching or follow the warm-ups demonstrated on the Pilates Power

DVD provided with your original Pilates Power Gym

Pro Owner's Manual.

5. Before each use of the Pilates Power Gym

Pro and Push-Up Bar, please INSPECT all

equipment and all parts, including cables, tension cords, rollers, pulleys, bolts, pins, handle

assemblies and foot strap assemblies to ensure that they are in proper working condition. NEVER

use the equipment if it is not working properly or if there are signs of wear such as frayed or

worn cables, tension cords, pulleys, rollers, handle or foot strap assemblies. Failure to follow

these instructions could result in serious injury or death.

6. USE CARE when getting on and off the equipment.

7. Use this equipment only for the intended use as described in this manual. Do not modify the

equipment or use at tachments not rec om mend ed by the manufacturer.

8. Have plenty of clearance space on all sides of your equipment. It is important to keep children,

pets, furniture and other objects out of the way when using your equipment. You should have a

minimum of 3 feet of clearance space on all sides of your equipment.

9. Wear appropriate clothing when exercising. Workout clothing should be comfortable and

lightweight, and should allow freedom of movement. The Pilates Power Gym

be performed with bare feet, or you may wear flexible athletic shoes if you find that more

comfortable. It is not recommended that you exercise with socks or stockings only on the feet.

Wearing socks or stockings only may cause slippage of the feet when using the Foot Rest Bar

Assembly or the Push-Up Bar Assembly.

10. THIS EQUIPMENT IS NOT FOR USE BY CHILDREN. To prevent injuries, keep this and

all fitness equipment out of the reach of children. Follow these simple rules:

– Keep children out of rooms where you have your exercise equipment.

– Store exercise equipment in a room that can be locked.

– Know exactly where your children are when you work out.

– If you have small children at home, don't wear headphones while you work out.

– Talk to your kids about the dangers of exercise equipment.

11. Breathe naturally, never holding your breath during an exercise. Avoid over training, you should

be able to carry on a conversation while exercising.

12. Cool down after an exercise session, with 5 to 10 minutes of gentle exercise, such as walking,

followed by stretching or follow the cool down stretches demonstrated in the Pilates Power

13. Handicapped or disabled people must have medical approval before using this equipment and

should be under close su per vi sion when using any exercise equipment.

14. Only one person at a time should use this equipment.

15. Do not put hands, feet, or any foreign objects on or near this equipment when in use by

others. Use caution not to pinch fingers or hands in moving parts when folding, setting up, or

using the equipment.

16. To prevent the Pilates Power Gym

the equipment on a solid, level surface and follow the instructions for the recommended exercises.

Failure to follow these instructions could result in serious injury or death.

17. When raising the Glideboard to the incline positions, always make sure that the Height Adjustment

Assembly is securely settled in the notches on both sides of the Base Frame Assembly before

beginning to exercise.

18. When changing Tension Cord settings, always hold the Tension Cords firmly until they are properly

positioned. DO NOT LET GO of the Tension Cords until they are locked into a notch on the Base

Frame Assembly, or back in the start position.

Attaching The Push-Up Bar

Place the Push-Up Bar Assembly onto the Foot Rest Bar Assembly of your Pilates

Pro unit and secure with the Small Hitch Pins that are attached to the

Push-Up Bar Assembly. Make sure they are fully inserted and stay in place.