A History of Modern Psychology

The enhanced 5th Edition of Goodwin's series, A History of Modern Psychology, explores the modern history of psychology including the fundamental bases of psychology and psychology's advancements in the 20th century.

Goodwin's 5th Edition focuses on the reduction of biographical information with an emphasis on more substantial information including ideas and concepts and on ideas/research contributions.

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INTRODUCING PSYCHOLOGYS Miles Meets His Academic Study Questions The British Empiricist Argument and THE SCIENTIFIC CONTEXT Localization of Brain Function Nervous System Structure WUNDTAND GERMAN Expanding the Gestalt Pavlovs Classical Conditioning Research THE EVOLUTION A Purposive A HypotheticoDeductive A Radical Behaviorism The IQ Zoo and the Misbehavior Wundt Establishes a New Psychology at Leipzig An American in Leipzig A New Science The Origins of Comparative Psychology Darwins Century The First of the New Creating Maze Learning Challenging the Male The New Psychology at The Introspective Habit Structuralism and Functionalism Miles and Stanford Football Leta Hollingworth Advocating for Gifted Applying Psychology to Business Applied Psychology A Case of Espionage? MENTAL ILLNESS AND Diagnosing Mental Illness Treating Mental Illness Shell Shock The Emergence of Modern Clinical Psychology Psychology and the World of Business and Industry Study Questions What Revolution? Miles Visits Lashley Psychologys Researchers REFERENCES

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A History of Modern Psychology
C. James Goodwin
Ограниченный просмотр - 2022

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Об авторе (2015)

C. James Goodwin is an emeritus professor at Wheeling Jesuit University, where he taught for 30 years before taking an early retirement. He is currently residing in the mountains of North Carolina and is Professor of Psychology at Western Carolina University. He earned a Bachelor's degree from the College of the Holy Cross and a Master's and PhD in experimental psychology from Florida State University, specializing in memory and cognition. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association in Divisions 2 (teaching) and 26 (history). His research interests on the empirical side are in the area of cognitive mapping, wayfinding, and spatial cognition, but his prime interest is in the early history of experimental psychology in the United States. He is the author of two undergraduate textbooks, one in research methods (Research in Psychology: Methods and Design) and one in the history of psychology (A History of Modern Psychology)

Библиографические данные

Название A History of Modern Psychology
Автор C. James Goodwin
Издание: 5, иллюстрированное
Издатель John Wiley & Sons, 2015
ISBN 1118833759, 9781118833759
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 512
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan