The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Subchapter S Corporation

Before the advent of the S Corporation in 1958, entrepreneurs had two options for forming a business entity. They could form a Partnership or a C Corporation, but neither of those business structures fulfilled the needs of many people seeking to start their own businesses. To help encourage small businesses in America, Congress and President Eisenhower created the Subchapter S Corporation.

Whether you’re a business owner or a professional service provider that gives entrepreneurs legal or tax advice, you’ll want to understand what a Subchapter S Corporation is and who can benefit from it.

What is a Subchapter S Corporation?

Named after the section in which it appears within the Federal Internal Revenue Code, the Subchapter S Corporation is an IRS tax election option available to eligible businesses. You have probably heard it referred to as an S Corporation or an S Corp, as well.

In a nutshell, electing to be considered an S Corporation allows businesses formed as Limited Liability Companies or C Corporations to receive special tax treatment.

Choosing the S Corporation election has some significant advantages for some businesses. On the flip side, it’s not ideal for every business. So, it’s critical that entrepreneurs get expert tax and legal guidance before deciding to become a Subchapter S Corporation.

In this post, I’m going to run through some of the S Corporation pros and cons to consider.

S Corporation Advantages

S Corporation Disadvantages

How to Form a Subchapter S Corporation

Business owners must first either form an LLC or a C Corporation. That involves filing Articles of Organization (LLC) or Articles of Incorporation (C Corporation) with the state. Business owners must also follow through with other requirements for starting an LLC or C Corporation legally.

The next steps for forming a Subchapter S Corporation include:

Business owners should understand what they must do to conduct business legally as an S Corporation. After they have talked with their attorney and tax advisor, CorpNet is here to handle the preparation and filing of the state’s business registration and IRS forms to ensure all of the paperwork is done accurately and on time.

Learn More: What is Form 2553?

Be Aware of Election Deadlines

The deadline for the Subchapter S Corporation election varies depending on a business’s situation.

Here’s a rundown of the scenarios for S Corp deadlines:

Visit the IRS website for more details about S Corp filing deadlines.

Here’s What Happens if You File Late

A delay in filing for the S Corp election will likely result in a business needing to file two separate tax returns at the end of the year. Generally, if a business files as an S Corporation after its deadline, it will be taxed as one entity type for part of the year and then as an S Corp for the remainder.

Example: Let’s say a business called Lara’s IT Consulting, LLC was formed in 2019. Lara now wants to have her LLC taxed as an S Corp in 2020, but she missed the March 15 deadline. If she files her Form 8832 and Form 2553 on April 6, 2020, her company will be taxed as an LLC from January 1 through April 5 and then as an S Corporation from April 6 through December 31. This results in Lara having to prepare two sets of tax forms for the year.

Note that the IRS does provide some leeway for businesses that have a reasonable cause for not filing Form 2553 on time. The business owner must explain on Form 2553 why they filed the form late. Upon IRS approval, the S Corp status will be made retroactive to the start of the tax year.

Ready to Start a Subchapter S Corporation?

If you’re a business owner considering the S Corporation election, seek the expertise of legal and tax professionals who can help you weigh all the pros and cons. By making an informed decision, you’ll have the peace of mind that the S Corp path is right for you.

If you’re a legal or tax professional, use your expertise to help guide your clients as they decide if the Subchapter S Corporation election makes sense in their situation. Offer your expert guidance to give them the information they need to choose wisely.

Also, consider signing up for the CorpNet Partner Program. You can choose to resell our business formation and compliance services or become a referral partner. Either way, you will provide your clients with additional value while adding a new revenue stream for your business.

Request an S Corp Election

With CorpNet here to help, you’ll have the confidence that all of your business formation and S Corporation forms are done accurately and on time.