Receipt generator

Generate as many customized receipts as you want with Wave's free Receipt Maker. In just a few clicks, you'll have a free, professional receipt to provide to your customers for their payments.

See a sample here

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What is a receipt?

A receipt is a document confirming a seller received money from a purchaser. A receipt typically includes the date, a description of the item the buyer purchased, and information about the method of payment. It is an acknowledgment from the seller to the buyer that the seller has received payment for a good or service.

Invoice like a pro with your free Wave account

Customize your invoices by choosing from a variety of templates. Then add your logo and company colors to make it look professional and personalized.

Check out more of our invoicing tools that can help you run your business more efficiently.

Want more options? With Wave's free invoicing software, you can create, customize, and send professional invoices and estimates to your clients. Set up recurring invoices for your customers, generate customer statements, and more!

How to use the Receipt Maker

To make a receipt with our free receipt maker, follow these step-by-step instructions and you'll quickly have a professional receipt to provide to your customers.

  1. Upload your company logo (optional).
  2. Enter your company's information, including its business name and physical address, then click "Continue".
  3. Enter your customer's information, including their business name and physical address, then click "Continue".
  4. Enter a title for your receipt, as well as a brief summary along with a receipt number and date.
  5. Enter the line item information and a brief description, along with its quantity, price and tax rate.
  6. If you have more than one line item to include on your receipt, click "Add new item" to include it.
  7. If needed, add any accompanying information to the "Notes" section.
  8. Once the above steps are complete, click "Generate receipt" to receive your receipt.

Essential parts of a Receipt

There are 8 elements of a receipt that you should be aware of, some of which are necessary while others can be used for customization.

  1. Title: A title is a critical element of a receipt because it allows you, and your client, to differentiate between receipts. This is helpful for when tax time rolls around and for keeping accurate records of your receipts.
  2. Description: A description aides in helping your customer understand the nature of the goods and services that the receipt is for.
  3. Your Company Name & Address: The name and address of your company is usually displayed at the top of a receipt in order to indicate the company that is providing the receipt for the services rendered.
  4. Receipt Number: Every invoice has a unique identifier in the form of an invoice number, which helps you keep track of multiple invoices. Invoice numbers can be formatted in different ways such as file numbers, billing codes or date-based purchase order numbers.
  5. Date: The receipt date indicates when payment for goods and services was received. This helps you keep track of when you've received payment for goods or services you've provided to customers.
  6. Line Item: Each line item on an invoice should have a name for the goods or services provided, along with a description of those goods and services. The line items also require a quantity so the customer knows how many goods or services they are being billed for, the price of the line item and tax rate applied to it, and the amount the line item costs.
  7. Payment Type: This indicates the method by which the payment was received, for example a credit card or debit card.
  8. Total: The total displays the balance due which is calculated from the amount of each line item on the invoice. This is what your customer is required to pay you.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

There are 8 elements of a receipt that you should be aware of, some of which are necessary while others can be used for customization.

  1. Title: A title is a critical element of a receipt because it allows you, and your client, to differentiate between receipts. This is helpful for when tax time rolls around and for keeping accurate records of your receipts.
  2. Description: A description aides in helping your customer understand the nature of the goods and services that the receipt is for.
  3. Your Company Name & Address: The name and address of your company is usually displayed at the top of a receipt in order to indicate the company that is providing the receipt for the services rendered.
  4. Receipt Number: Every invoice has a unique identifier in the form of an invoice number, which helps you keep track of multiple invoices. Invoice numbers can be formatted in different ways such as file numbers, billing codes or date-based purchase order numbers.
  5. Date: The receipt date indicates when payment for goods and services was received. This helps you keep track of when you've received payment for goods or services you've provided to customers.
  6. Line Item: Each line item on an invoice should have a name for the goods or services provided, along with a description of those goods and services. The line items also require a quantity so the customer knows how many goods or services they are being billed for, the price of the line item and tax rate applied to it, and the amount the line item costs.
  7. Payment Type: This indicates the method by which the payment was received, for example a credit card or debit card.
  8. Total: The total displays the balance due which is calculated from the amount of each line item on the invoice. This is what your customer is required to pay you.

Benefits of using a Receipt Maker