Sun Critical Illness Insurance

There's good reason to consider Sun Critical Illness Insurance (Sun CII). Medical advances are helping more people survive critical illnesses like cancer, stroke and heart disease. But recovery can come with a significant financial cost that impacts Clients and their families.

Sun CII offers financial help for the costs associated with life-altering illnesses. Clients can use their coverage to help with things like:

Why choose Sun CII?

1. Comprehensive coverage that includes:

2. Wide ranging benefit amounts on adult and child plans:

3. Simple and easy to understand return of premium options. Including graded Return of premium on cancellation or expiry on adult plans.


Product details

Sun CII provides a lump sum benefit that helps the clients respond to a critical illness in their own way.

Sun Life offers the following standalone plan designs for single lives:

For all plans above, coverage will end when a claim is paid for a full payout illness, or when the insured person dies or when the policy is cancelled.

Base plan issue ages

Adult: 18 - 65
Child: 30 days - 17

Issue ages are based on the insured person's insurance age, or their age at their nearest birthday. For example, if your client is 48 years and 7 months, their insurance age will be 49.

Issue limits

Adult: $25,000 - $3,000,000 1
Child: $25,000 - $1,000,000 2

Premium details

Premium rate bands for all plan types:

The annual policy fee for Sun CII is $45.00. All premiums must be paid in Canadian funds and drawn from an account at a Canadian financial institution.

Risk classes

Definition: Non-Smoker

No use of tobacco or product containing nicotine for the past 12 months.

Note: we may offer non-smoker rates for a new application where the proposed insured is an occasional large cigar smoker and had a negative cotinine test (when testing is required).


The base plan and the optional Total disability waiver benefit can be rated.

The minimum rating is +25 (125%)

The maximum rating is +150 (250%)

Ratings do not apply to any premium paid for a return of premium benefit.

The Long-term care conversion option is not available on rated or modified plans and therefore can only be issued standard.

The Owner waiver benefit cannot be rated.

Children will only be accepted if they qualify as a standard risk, otherwise they will be declined.

Plans with a +25 rating will be considered a standard risk and will not be declined.

Premium frequency - monthly or annually

Depending on the premium frequency chosen by the client, payments can be made on a monthly basis through our pre-authorized chequing (PAC) process or annually by cheque.

If PAC is chosen, monthly payments are deducted automatically from the payor's account. Monthly premiums are calculated by multiplying the annual premium (including a $45 policy fee) by 0.09 (the modal factor).

The annual premium for this policy is $1,729 If the client chooses to pay monthly, the monthly premium would be $155.61 (annual premium* 0.09). Over a 1 year period, the client would pay $221 less in premiums if they decide to pay annually instead of monthly.

If the client chooses to pay annually by cheque, payments can be remitted to our head office before the policy anniversary date. An annual statement is sent to the owner approximately three weeks before the policy anniversary, reminding them that their annual premium is due.

Premium payment periods

Limited premium payment periods are available on both Sun CII T75 and T100 plans, providing the client with the opportunity to fully pay for their policy premiums in a shorter period of time instead of having to pay for the life of the policy. The options are:

Limited premium payment periods may be suited for:

While most features of our regular pay Sun CII plans remain the same when a limited premium payment option is selected, there are 4 exceptions you should be aware of.

When premiums exceed the critical illness insurance benefit amount

In some CII policies, the premiums paid may exceed the critical illness insurance benefit amount of the policy. Here are some factors that may result in a client paying more in premium than the face amount of the plan:

The below scenarios show what will be paid out for Sun CII policies sold after September 17, 2012

CII without any ROP benefit

CII benefit amount


CII benefit amount

Total returnable premium amount, even if this exceeds the CII benefit amount

CII with ROPC/E (before maturity date) 1

Total Returnable premium amount or the CII benefit amount, whichever is higher

CII with ROPC/E (after maturity date) 1

Total returnable premium amount or the CII benefit amount, whichever is higher

Total returnable premium amount, even if this exceeds the CII benefit amount

Total Returnable premium amount or the CII benefit amount, whichever is higher

Total returnable premium amount or CII benefit amount, whichever is higher

Total returnable premium amount, even if this exceeds the CII benefit amount

Total returnable premium amount, even if this exceeds the CII benefit amount

1 Maturity dates will vary depending on the type of ROPC/E selected.

Covered illnesses

This guide to critical illness definitions will help you understand the illnesses and procedures covered by the critical illness insurance policy. This is for your reference only, and does not replace the policy. Please review the policy carefully.

Illnesses eligible for full benefit payout

If the insured is diagnosed with one of these 26 critical illnesses and meets the survival period, the client will receive a lump sum payment of their coverage amount and the policy will end. We refer to this list of illnesses as Group 1.

Childhood illnesses eligible for full benefit payout

Sun CII includes coverage for 5 additional illnesses when the insured is between ages 0 and 17 years. If the child is diagnosed with and survives one of these critical illnesses, the client will receive a lump sum payment of their coverage amount and the policy will end. Coverage for these conditions ends on the child's 24th bithday.

Illnesses eligible for partial benefit payout

If the insured person is diagnosed with and survives one of these 5 illnesses, the client will receive a partial lump sum benefit. We refer to this list of illnesses as Group 2. The partial lump sum payment will be equal to 15% of the critical illness insurance benefit amount to a maximum of $50,000 per condition. The client can make one claim per partial payout illness, to a maximum of four partial payments. The policy will not end, and the client must continue to pay premiums for coverage to continue. The critical illness benefit amount will not be reduced and the coverage will be available for any future claims.

* If an insured child is diagnosed with LOIE before the policy anniversary nearest their 18th birthday, a claim may be submitted at the policy anniversary nearest their 18th birthday and no later than the policy anniversary nearest their 19th birthday.

Eligibility qualifying periods and survival periods

The following table shows all illnesses that have an eligibility qualifying period and/or a survival period.

Acquired brain injury due to external trauma

Aortic surgery

30 days following the date of surgery

Bacterial meningitis


30 days following the date of diagnosis. If surgery is performed, 30 days following the date of the surgery.

30 days following the date of the procedure

30 days following the date of surgery

Heart attack

30 days following the date of diagnosis

Heart valve replacement or repair

30 days following the date of surgery

Loss of independent existence

Loss of speech

Multiple sclerosis

Refer to full definition

Occupational HIV infection

Refer to full definition


Parkinson’s disease and specified atypical parkinsonian disorders

30 days following the date of diagnosis

Optional benefits

Optional benefits - Availability at a glance

Issue ages (age nearest)

Owner is 18 - 55

Owner is 18 - 60

Owner is 18 - 55

May apply to add at policy anniversary nearest the insured's 18th birthday

Total disability waiver 2

Owner waiver disability benefit

Owner waiver death benefit

Owner waiver death and disability benefit

Advanced ROPC/E 2

ROPC/E - age 35 3

1 Not available on limited pay plans. Available for standard risks only.
2 Not available on plans with a '10 years' or '15 years' payment period.
3 Only available on plans with a '10 years' or '15 years' payment period.

Long-term care conversion option

Adult plans: Optional benefit for issue ages 18 - 50

Child plans: The owner may apply for this option between the policy anniversary nearest the insured person's 18th birthday and the policy anniversary nearest their 19th birthday, with evidence of insurability.

This option is available only if the insured person is a standard risk. It is not available on plans with limited premium payments (10, 15 years).

If this option is included in the policy, the owner may apply once to convert a portion or the entire critical illness insurance benefit to a long-term care insurance (LTCI) policy on the insured person without evidence of insurability.

The application to convert to long term care insurance may be made during the 5 policy years that start on the policy anniversary nearest the insured person's 60th birthday.

For example: $150,000 (CII benefit amount)
= $750 (weekly LTCI benefit amount)

NOTE: If a policy includes the Long-term care conversion option (LTCCO) and the Return of premium on cancellation or expiry - age 75 (ROPC/E - age 75), the use of these benefit will be limited. The client can choose to: