Psychology Minor

A minor in psychology offers students majoring in another field the opportunity to gain a solid foundation in the questions, methods, and research findings in the field of psychological science. Some students choose to minor in psychology because they are fascinated by the topic and intrinsically motivated to learn more. Others choose a psychology minor to complement their major focus in another field (e.g., business, engineering, behavioral neuroscience, journalism).

Our minor program requires the introductory course (PSYC 001) and any four additional courses in psychology. Most psychology minors take PSYC 001 and a selection of our 100-level breadth courses (e.g., Child Development, Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychopathology). However, students can also pursue a more focused path including coursework in a specific concentration area (Clinical & Behavioral Health, Cognition & Cognitive Neuroscience, Development, or Social & Personality Psychology) or in research methods and data analysis.

Additional Notes: At least three of the five required psychology courses must be taken at Lehigh. Each course must be at least three credits. Only one course may be used to jointly fulfill the requirements of a major program and minor program. Registration for some psychology courses (e.g., 201-203, 300-level seminars) requires department permission. These courses may only be available to minors if seats remain after Psychology majors have registered.