
The Office of the Registrar supports the instructional and student progress endeavors of the University by providing quality services to students, faculty, academic and administrative departments, and the public.

Services provided by the Office of the Registrar include course record management, classroom assignment, final exam scheduling, publication of the University's Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs, academic record creation and maintenance, student registration, grade processing, transcript issuance, degree auditing for graduation, and monitoring of academic and administrative policies.

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News and Announcements

The deadline to submit your final approved thesis/dissertation and final paperwork for Fall 2024 is November 29. There is an all-in-one webform for the approval page and report on the final exam. Additional information, instructions, and links to the forms can be found at: https://registrar.uconn.edu/graduation/.

If you plan to graduate in December 2024, be sure you apply for graduation and submit your plan of study by September 20. For more information on the steps to graduation, visit https://registrar.uconn.edu/graduation/ and follow the steps for the degree or program you are completing.

One Stop Student Services is now providing assistance for all Registrar student service inquiries, including records and enrollment services: Email: onestop@uconn.edu Phone: 860-486-1111

Schedule Builder is currently having intermittent issues with enrollment and search for some classes. If you experience problems, please use Class Search and Enroll for enrollment and/or Dynamic Class Search for searching for classes.