Feedback and Complaints

The Winnipeg Police Board acts as a liaison between the community and the Winnipeg Police Service. We are committed to ensuring police services in Winnipeg are delivered in accordance with public needs, values and expectations and we always welcome feedback.

If you have questions, comments, ideas or concerns about public safety, law enforcement or crime prevention in Winnipeg, this section lets you know how you can get in touch with us. We have also provided information on other organizations that investigate complaints about the Winnipeg Police Service to provide information on where the mandate of the Winnipeg Police Board ends and where other organizations step in.

Have feedback?

You can share feedback with the Board at any time by sending us an email. If you would like to make a presentation to the Board at one of its regular public meetings, you can ask our Secretary to the Board for more information on how to do this. You can also attend one of our annual community consultation meetings. These meetings are an excellent opportunity to ask questions of Board members, tell the Board what your priorities and concerns for public safety are, and learn more about the Board’s activities. For more information on upcoming consultation meetings, visit our public consultations page.

Have a complaint?

The Winnipeg Police Board is one of several organizations that monitors the performance of the Winnipeg Police Service to ensure it operates in the best interest of the public. While all of the organizations mentioned below share this broad goal, they have different mandates.