This article was co-authored by Amy Guerrero. Amy Guerrero is an Arts and Crafts Specialist and the Owner of Sunshine Craft Co., a crafting studio based in Phoenix, Arizona. Amy specializes in macrame, DIY crafting, and teaching fiber arts. She offers monthly in-person and online workshops along with having developed a range of DIY craft kits for at-home projects. Amy holds a BS in Industrial Design from Philadelphia University. She worked as a graphic designer before starting her own business. Sunshine Craft Co. is a creative hub that offers a wide range of workshops, tools, and resources for any craft project to inspire creativity and community engagement.
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Whether you're a swash-buckling pirate or a fearsome samurai, you'll need a trusty, flashy sword to accompany you on your adventures. They're easy to make, and the only limit is your imagination. All you'll need is some cardboard, tape or glue, and whatever decorations you can find. Then, we'll help you cut, decorate, and use the sword you forged yourself.