Our easy-to-use past paper search gives you instant access to a large library of past exam papers and mark schemes. They’re available free to teachers and students, although only teachers can access the most recent papers sat within the past 12 months.
Question papers, mark schemes and examiner reports for the most recent exam sessions (within the last 12 months) can be accessed only by registered centres. If you don't have an Edexcel Online account, please contact your Exams Officer.
Past papers and mark schemes accompanied by a padlock are not available for students, but only for teachers and exams officers of registered centres.
However, students can still get access to a large library of available exams materials. Try the easy-to-use past papers search below.
Please note that past papers from the October and November 2020 examination series have summer dates on them. This is because the assessment material was reused from the cancelled summer 2020 examination series.
Please note that the past paper search on this page is for unmodified formats only. If you wish to find past papers in formats modified for candidates with varying needs please follow the link below.