Light Mountain FAQ

What is Light Mountain natural hair color? It is a pure, natural product made from the powdered botanicals of four species of herbs: Red (Lawsonia inermis), Neutral (Cassia auriculata) and Amla (Phyllanthus emblica), and Black (Indigofera tinctoria). These powdered botanicals are expertly blended by our trained staff for a rich medley of color. Botanical color may vary from crop to crop and season to season. Our blending process helps compensate for these variations.

1. Do I need to do a strand test? Yes, the strand test determines the length of time you leave the treatment on and the color results.

2. How does one obtain the sample hair for the stand test? You can take it directly from your head or use the "leavings" from your brush or comb. The strand sample needs to include all the different colors and textures of your hair.

3. How often can I do this treatment? New applications are generally done between 9-12 weeks (or longer depending on specific circumstances).

4. How do you use the product? You mix the powder with boiling distilled water and after 15 to 30 minutes, you apply it to your hair. You can apply it using an applicator, an all-plastic paintbrush or by hand, make sure you use the gloves supplied.

5. How much powder and how much liquid do I use? You want to use enough of the powder to be able to cover all of your hair; if your hair is short you would only use 1 to 2 ounces. To this you need to add enough liquid to obtain a consistency you can work with. Not too thick and lumpy, but not too runny. A smooth creamy, yet gritty paste.

A. One package of the Light Mountain Natural hair color contains 4 oz. The "Color the Gray" contains 3 oz, Step 2 contains 4oz.

6. What color should I use? You need to refer to the color chart on the back of the box. Remember that this product will not lighten your hair.

7. Why am I not seeing a color change? The color you choose was too close to your current color or you did not leave the treatment on long enough. This situation will be avoided by doing the strand test.

8. Is it safe for women who are expecting? You need check with your health care practitioner.

9. Can a chemical dye be used after using the Light Mountain hair color? Yes, but caution must be used. We advise them they should wait at least 4-6 weeks before applying a chemical. You MUST do a strand test. If you have recently applied our product you must get as much of the treatment out of your hair.

10. What is the difference between the Light Mountain Natural and the "Color the Gray" hair color? The regular Light Mountain will NOT color gray hair. The "Color the Gray" is a two-step process we have developed based on our years of experience with the product, which will color gray hair

11. What is in step one? Step one is a propriety blend of of Lawsonia Inermis.

12. How are the different colors derived? Our colors are obtained from the Lawsonia shrub and other botanicals.

13. My hair is green, why? A green cast usually means that there has been an interaction with chemicals or metals. If this occurs please contact our office for further instructions.

14. The strand test came out too red, brassy or dark, what can I do to adjust the color?

A. If you added heat, it will bring out red tones. Try the strand again without applying heat. You can add black tea or day old brewed coffee to the powder replacing the distilled water to tone down the red (redo the strand test) if you are using the "Color the Gray", you would add this to Step 2 only. We do not recommend instant coffee. Please note that metal cannot be used in the brewing of the tea or the coffee

15. How can I remove this product from my hair? There are several different methods you can try; depending on the length of time you have had it on your hair. We have found the following procedures to be effective on a fresh application, less than 24 hours, and the results will been seen immediately.

A. You can try a mixture of crushed Vitamin C capsules and a rinse out cream rinse/conditioner using equal parts. Apply to your hair and let dry, a blow dryer can be used, then rinse out.

B. If the treatment is older, more than 24 hours, you can try using a high detergent shampoo (such as a dandruff shampoo). The shampoo should be one that you leave on the hair for 20 minutes. You can also try a "clarifying" shampoo, also known as "swimmer's shampoo".

C. If the treatment is older, more than 24 hours, you can try using a high detergent shampoo and a deep conditioner. The conditioner should be one that you leave on the hair for 20 minutes. You can also try a "clarifying" shampoo, also known as "swimmer's shampoo".

16. I am having trouble rinsing the treatment from my hair; can I apply something to aid the removal? You can use conditioner when rising the henna from your hair.

17. Is a patch test really necessary? Yes, even though the product is 100% natural, you may be allergic to it. I.E. some people are allergic to pollen. If you experience any abnormal reaction, I.E. redness, a mild burning sensation, to this product, you are allergic to this product and must not use it

18. How soon after using the neutral may I apply a color coat? A color coat can be applied 9-12 weeks after conditioning with the neutral.

19. I used the "Color the Gray" and my gray hair is still gray after using step 1? The most important part of step 1 is after the 5 -15 minutes you need to see a red, pink, or orange color on the gray hair. Apply step1 again using heat; this will help the product adhere to your hair. Since step 1 is only left on for 5 -15 minutes, a minute or two of heat is all that should be necessary.

20. Can I mix two colors together? Yes, mixing different colors can result in a unique shade all your own. Remember do a Strand Test. If you are using "Color the Gray" you should mix colors only on the second step.