Member Rights & Responsibilities
As a Medicaid member, there are many things that you need to know in order to keep your benefits and get the most out of the services that are available to you. This section outlines your rights and responsibilities as a member and provides detail on how to report changes and best utilize your benefits.
You can also learn about how Indiana Medicaid may use or release your health information by visiting the following:
Member Rights
As a member, you have the RIGHT to:
- Be treated with dignity and respect when getting health care services
- Be given privacy for you and your medical records
- Be given easy-to-understand explanations of your medical problems and treatment choices
- Stay involved in decisions about your treatment choices
- Get care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Get timely answers to your complaints or appeals
- Appeal decisions made about health care you receive
- Use buildings and services that meet the standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Get a second opinion from a different doctor
- Request and receive a copy of your medical records and request that they be corrected
- Be free from any action of being held against your will or cut off from others when these actions are intended to pressure you into doing something, punish you, or show revenge against you or make it easier for the medical personnel
Member Responsibilities
As a member, you have the RESPONSIBILITY to:
- Tell your doctor, or primary medical provider (PMP) about your medical conditions to the best of your ability
- Call your PMP for care with all your medical conditions
- Keep all of your appointments Note: If you cannot keep an appointment, call to cancel or reschedule as soon as you can
- Tell your doctor if you do not understand what they are telling you about your condition, care, or what you need to do
- Get regular checkups for you and your children
- Get all required childhood shots for your children
- Call your doctor if you are not sure you are having a true emergency
- Follow the rules of your doctor's office
If you disagree with any decisions made about your health care, you have the right to file an appeal. To learn more about filing an appeal, please refer to the Member Appeals website.
Sign up for email and/or text notices of Medicaid and other FSSA news, reminders, and other important information. When registering your email, check the category on the drop-down list to receive notices of Medicaid updates; check other areas of interest on the drop-down list to receive notices for other types of FSSA updates.