Machinery Risk Assessment (MRA)

Manufacturers of machinery are required by law to complete a design-based risk assessment as they design and build machinery, even when the machine is made for the manufacturer’s own use.

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New machinery

Before putting a new machine into service, there are three questions to be answered:

If there is a “yes” to all three questions - production on this machine can start.

Existing machinery

End-user has a general legal requirement to complete a risk assessment at regular intervals during the machine’s life-cycle, and again in case of machine relocation in accordance to “Use of Work Equipment Directive Assesment (UWED)”.

Risk reduction… and more

Our Machine Risk Assessment service (complete in accordance with EN ISO 12100) helps you fulfil these requirements in accordance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. You will receive a report that identifies initial risk reduction requirements for reducing hazardous events. You will also receive information on additional safety measures and safety related control functions where necessary.

Key features

A mathematical evaluation of all risks posed by associated hazards and tasks identified using the following factors:

This evaluation produces: